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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
Creating an Engaged and Resilient Workforce: The Growing Demand for Soft Skills Training

Creating an Engaged and Resilient Workforce: The Growing Demand for Soft Skills Training

In today's volatile and complex business landscape, the need for an engaged and resilient workforce has never been more critical. According to LinkedIn's 2023 Workplace Learning Report, agility is the cornerstone of individual career growth and organisational success. This agility is intrinsically linked to constant learning, making Learning and Development (L&D) ...
National Tea Day & The Art of Fika. Theatre of Learning Drama based training

National Tea Day & The Art of Fika

Last week in the The Blessing Revealed? I wrote about the recent YouGov Poll which found that only 9% of people want life to return to ‘normal’ once we come out of the lockdown. Some of the benefits emerging suggest that over the last 29 days we are placing greater value ...
ted Education - Training programmes support teachers and school leaders at all levels – from new teachers through to trust CEOs.

The Blessing Revealed?

Last week I wrote about a ‘thought for the day’ which had struck a chord with me, only a few days before the lockdown when all our lives were to suddenly change: There's a Blessing in the Storm. I talked about creating my two lists which help me to identify those ...
Mental Health and Wellbeing ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

The Challenge: Managing Yourself

If you’ve read our article Doing the Best by Yourself you’ll know that self-management doesn’t mean pushing yourself to do more than you can. Just as you would try to create the optimum conditions for your team to succeed, it’s worth thinking about the things you can do to help ...
Emotional intelligence ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

There’s A Blessing in the Storm

In the far-away days when we were able to travel, I used to stay, every now and then, in hotels in London. In the far-away days when we were able to travel, I used to stay, every now and then, in hotels in London. In one particular hotel, a giant scrabble board ...