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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

Stop Doing to Get Stuff Done

As some of you might know, I recently took a 17-month-pandemic-delayed trip for a yoga break in Morocco. Wall to wall sunshine, amazing fresh vegan food and 3 yoga classes a day worked their magic pretty quickly. My second night there I slept for a full 12 hours (unheard of ...

Having a brave conversation

Teenage Drinking. There’s always that first time. The one where drinks are mixed and consumed at breakneck speed in large quantities with messy results. We’ve all been there, probably more than once. So last year when my then 15 year old step-daughter’s friend called us, emotionally reporting her vomity, semi-conscious ...
Working from home

Be a Great Leader – Without Even Being There 

Working from home is great, isn’t it? No commute (or a train delay, or traffic jam) to spoil your mood before you’ve got to your desk; no worry over missing the Amazon delivery; and you can even wear your slippers for that video conference. But when you work closely with a ...
isolated leader

The Isolated Leader

In my recent article; National Tea Day and the Art of Fika, I wrote of the importance of maintaining a sense of being part of a team and belonging during these times of social distancing and working from home. As we know, it is the responsibility of each and every ...
let's talk about first steps into management

Manage your team in these challenging times

This week in the virtual ted Learning office, reading lots of content online about how to manage your team in these challenging times, we’ve been thinking about the essential and desirable qualities of an effective manager, and how we recognise these, even when we may not be that adept at ...