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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

Creating an Engaged and Resilient Workforce: The Growing Demand for Soft Skills Training

In today's volatile and complex business landscape, the need for an engaged and resilient workforce has never been more critical. According to LinkedIn's 2023 Workplace Learning Report, agility is the cornerstone of individual career growth and organisational success. This agility is intrinsically linked to constant learning, making Learning and Development (L&D) ...

Questions you can and can’t ask in an interview

A survey in the  Daily Mail  in 2018 of over 1,100 decision-makers found that three out of five agreed a woman should have to disclose whether she was pregnant during the recruitment process and almost half thought it was alright to find out if women had young children. Asking any of ...

Interviews – a two way decision making process

We often forget that an interview is a two way decision making process. Many interviewing Managers believe it’s their decision alone as to whether a candidate is successful and joins the team. The reality is that the candidate is effectively interviewing you too – does your business live up to their ...