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Consciously Inclusive Recruiting.

This course is designed to support all organisations to develop more diverse teams

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LET'S TALK ABOUT Consciously Inclusive Recruiting

This half-day workshop is designed for anyone with responsibility for recruitment. It can be delivered as a stand-alone workshop for more experienced recruiters, or as an addition to our interview skills session for people newer to recruiting. It’s also a really great compliment to our Inclusion, Equality & Diversity half day workshop.


why come on the course?

Are you new to recruiting, and want to be confident that the judgements you’re making are fair and non-biased?

Maybe you’ve had some interviewing experience, but aren’t sure how you should deal with certain situations?

Are you an experienced recruiter, knowledgeable in the structure of good interviews, but needing to check your approach is coherent with social and legislative expectations?

Are you unsure how your own background, experiences and opinions might impact your approach as a recruiter?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the course for you!


What is it?

A 3 hour, interactive workshop, led by our recruitment expert trainer, that uses drama and discussion to raise individual self-awareness, prompt discussion and clarify what is & isn’t the best approach.


What will I do on the day?

Our expert trainer will use a blend of our unique scenario based videos and their own experience to facilitate activities and open up discussions around how we can become more consciously inclusive when we recruit.

Through sharing of ideas and experience, learners will become more self-aware, understand the impact of behaviours and approaches on candidates, themselves and the wider business, and by the end of the session be able to commit to some positive changes to enable a more consciously inclusive approach.

embedding the learning.

This course is delivered using our unique filmed scenarios to support observational, drama-based learning, and we facilitate discussion after each of these to understand the impact of the depicted behaviours.

By relating the scenarios discussed back to learner’s own individual situations, we use reflection and discussion to support context for all learners, ensuring a lasting impact and behavioural change.


Learning Outcomes.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify where discrimination could occur under the Equality Act 2010 legislation and how to differentiate between positive discrimination and positive action.
  • Identify ways in which their own behaviours as an interviewer can lead to a biased approach.
  • Explain how to respond appropriately to disclosures of neurodiversity or disability during an interview scenario.
  • Determine the bias implications of negative scoring on body language and social skills.
  • Summarise specific steps they will take to become more consciously inclusive when recruiting.

Some faq's about Consciously Inclusive Recruiting.

0.1What are the benefits of consciously inclusive recruiting training?
A diverse team and inclusive workplace has many benefits - both to the organisation and to individuals – with a richer base of experiences, ideas are more diverse, solutions more varied and the business is more flexible. Recruitment plays a hugely important part in creating this culture, environment and team, so the costs of getting it wrong are high, This course builds awareness and supports all recruiting employees to contribute to a positive and inclusive culture.
0.2What is Drama Based Learning?
Drama Based Learning is the technique we use to bring learning to life by using our actors to perform scenarios, based on real case studies. Theatre Based Learning can be either observational (where learners watch scenes and discuss) OR participative (where we use techniques like real-play and practice, forum where learners interact with the actors and direct them or hot-seating where learners give feedback to individual characters and make suggestions). This course uses our actors to both demonstrate presentation skills and often made mistakes and techniques with the ability for all learners to present and receive feedback

video showcase.

Discussing and learning in the traditional ‘class-room’ is effective, but long-term memory is better stimulated by having an experience. Our approach using experiential and drama based methods delivers this and leads to more sustained learning.

Download our Guide to Consciously Inclusive Recruiting.

Learn more about how we deliver this training course.

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    theatre of learning delivering sustained blended learning.

    Our training is observational and participative, using teams of actors to bring it to life. We recognise that taking part in role-play is not for everyone, so we offer observational training – this is where two of our acting team demonstrate scenes related to the course and delegates observe and comment on the behaviors. Where a business is more confident working with actors, we take this to the next level with participative training so delegates get to practice their newly learnt skills.


    sustain and maintain learning.

    All our learners have full access to our ted learning HUB – our bespoke platform that enables all learners to continue the engagement with the trainer and actors, see latest case-studies and blogs from the ted learning team and engage with other learners, discussing their own challenges and successes.

    Desktop, mobile, or tablet - the ted HuB engages learners with training accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device.

    people development courses.

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    Meet our team of trainers and facilitators.

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