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ILM training programmes

ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

leadership and management training programmes.

ted Learning is delighted to be an ilm Centre and able to deliver a series of Management & Leadership programmes. We offer both the ilm’s own Accredited programmes alongside our own designed and ilm Recognised programmes.  This gives flexibility around the way the workshops and assessment can be delivered.

All of our programmes feature a blended learning approach of expert trainers with theory and discussion combined with theatre based learning where you get the chance to watch our actors in action and learn through observation. We take a dramatically different approach to many other ilm Providers by also achieving some of the assignments through practical assessment – this can be done via conducting an interview rather than just writing about it, with one of our actors playing the role of the candidate, for example.

ILM Recognised Programmes

ilm first steps into team leading

ILM Recognised – First Steps into Team Leading

ted Learning has developed this ilm Recognised Programme, comprising 3 workshops that focus on supporting the essential skills new team leaders need to hit the ground running and lead their first team effectively. It’s a practical introduction to managing others and also provides a solid grounding for further management training.

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First Steps into Management

ILM Recognised – First Steps into Management

ted Learning has developed this ilm Recognised programme to banish the ‘Accidental Manager’! We often see individuals with excellent technical abilities being promoted to positions with line management responsibility, without being equipped with the people skills needed to perform these roles successfully. This programme supports both new and existing

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ILM Endorsed Coaching

ILM Recognised – First Steps into Coaching

ted Learning has developed this ilm Recognised programme to support all levels of managers to develop their coaching skills, enabling them to lead and manage their people supportively to maximise performance and engagement. Built around 3 core workshops, coaching practice is built into the programme to support manager’s self-reflective practice and ongoing professional development.

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School Inclusion

ILM Recognised – Managing a Culture of Inclusion, Equality & Diversity

ted Learning has developed this ilm Recognised programme to support managers of all levels to positively influence an inclusive, respectful culture in their organisation. The 3-workshop programme focuses on building knowledge and self-awareness, supporting safe spaces for discussion and enquiry, and equipping managers with practical tools and approaches to promote inclusion, equality and diversity with their immediate teams and the wider business

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ILM Accredited Programmes

ilm Level 2 certificate in team Leading

ILM L2 Certificate in Team Leading

This ilm programme is for Team Leaders wanting to gain a formal business qualification and the foundations of how to manage their team. It is offered at Certificate level.

We cover a number of key management modules to better equip you in managing, inspiring, challenging and engaging your team. This is ideally suited for those in their first management role or where the business wishes to equip individuals with the necessary management skills prior to being promoted into their first management role.

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Open and Online Courses

ted Learning organises regular open virtual and classroom ILM programs. Our open programs are delivered across the UK as well as virtual online programs via our learning Hub. Our approach to our virtual learning & blended learning is the same as our classroom-based – dramatically different, engaging and fun and using theatre-based approaches wherever possible.
ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

We are here to help you.

Our more frequently asked questions about the ilm accredited and ilm Recognised courses

01.Who are the ILM?
‘ILM’ is not an abbreviation but is the full official name for the accreditation body, which is part of the City & Guilds Group. It is known as a City & Guilds Group business and is the UK’s leading provider of leadership qualifications.
02.What is an ILM accredited course?
ILM qualifications start at Level 2 (ideal for team leaders) and go up to Level 7 (suited to senior leaders, such as a CEO). Qualification structure varies but most can be achieved at Award, Certificate or Diploma status depending on the amount of credits gained at that level.Qualification levels are set by the regulatory frameworks. They broadly equate to levels of management position. They also indicate a qualification’s level of complexity.ILM offers qualifications from Level 2, ideal for new or aspiring team leaders, to Level 7, suited to CEO-level senior management. As you go up the levels, the qualifications demand more complex, comprehensive skills and knowledge.
03.Who is The Institute of Leadership & Management?
The Institute of Leadership & Management is the official name for the membership entity. It is a specialist membership organisation that focuses on raising the professional standards of leaders and managers and is the ILM’s strategic partner.
04.What is an ilm Recognised Programme?
The ilm Recognised scheme supports us to validate our products, demonstrating that our training is aligned to the ilm’s world-class standards. We offer a number of Recognised programmes which support learners to develop their professional skills without formal written essay style assignments. Completion of ilm Recognised products also attracts tailored digital credentials which are easily shared on social media, helping learners demonstrate their skills and abilities.

talk to ted Learning.

To find out how we can inspire your leaders and managers to achieve their potential for themselves and for your business, please get in touch..