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Introduction to Menopause Awareness.

Often still a ‘taboo’ subject, this course gives all employees a better understanding of peri-menopause and menopause, enabling a more supportive, inclusive work environment.

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LET'S TALK ABOUT Introduction to Menopause Awareness.

All businesses have a duty of care for employee health & wellbeing and also need to ensure there’s no discrimination, direct or indirect, on the grounds of sex, age or disability.

Each year, 900,000 women leave work through lack of support around the menopause.  With this being the fastest growing demographic, it is hugely important that business retains this valuable talent by providing support and awareness throughout the organisation of the menopause.  This will ensure reduced absenteeism, increased well-being and improve the organisation culture.

With over 30 physical and mental indicators of peri-menopause and menopause potentially experienced, it’s important for employees of all levels to understand how this transition can affect women. This half-day informative, theatre-based learning session is delivered by our specialist Menopause Coach Laura Shuckburgh, and raises awareness for all.

We can deliver this product as a full day package with our ‘Menopause Awareness for Leaders’ session to support managers and leaders further with creating and implementing a menopause-supportive organisational culture.


why come on the course?

• Are you not really sure what peri-menopause or menopause are, or how they can affect individuals?
• Do you think you might be going through the menopause transition yourself and want to understand more about what’s happening?
• Do you know a bit about peri-menopause and menopause but would like to understand better so you can support those around you?
• Do you want to know how you can encourage others to talk more openly about the menopause, to help increase awareness without feeling awkward?
• If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions above, then this course is definitely for you!


What is it?

A drama-based learning workshop, designed in partnership with and delivered by our Menopause expert trainer, in which we look at different experiences of peri-menopause and menopause, and explore how these can affect women in the workplace. The workshop is informative, non-judgemental, and at times might feel challenging. We use real-life scenarios and experiences to illustrate common situations and understand the impact this can have on individuals.

We also offer this course as a digital learning product which can be accessed via our own ted Learning HuB or provided to clients as a product to host on their own LMS.


What will I do on the day?

Using observational theatre and lots of discussion, this workshop engages participants on an emotional level by showcasing individual’s experiences and the impact these can have.

We’ll also work through use of language and how different approaches can be helpful or unhelpful.

Providing a safe space to ask questions and share experiences and thoughts, this workshop raises awareness of the challenges of menopause and how everyone can use this knowledge to support women at work.

Introduction to Menopause Awareness.

embedding the learning.

Using a theatre-based learning approach to this course, we believe really embeds a greater understanding of the experiences of women through peri-menopause and menopause.

Because we experience first-hand by observing the scenarios, we feel empathy and understanding with the characters, and this helps drive a deeper sense of learning.

ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
Introduction to Menopause Awareness.

Learning Outcomes.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

• Describe some of the variety of physical and emotional symptoms, both visible and invisible, of peri-menopause
• Identify typical examples of both helpful and unhelpful language and behaviours used when referring to peri-menopause / menopause
• Promote a supportive working culture where the menopause is not a taboo subject, and colleagues feel comfortable to discuss their health if they want to

Some faq's about our Introduction to Menopause Awareness Training.

0.1 What is Theatre based learning?

Theatre Based Learning is the technique we use to bring learning to life by using our actors to perform scenarios, based on real case studies.

Theatre Based Learning can be either observational (where learners watch scenes and discuss) OR participative (where we use techniques like real-play and practice, forum where learners interact with the actors and direct them or hot-seating where learners give feedback to individual characters and make suggestions). This course uses our actors to both demonstrate presentation skills and often made mistakes and techniques with the ability for all learners to present and receive feedback

0.2What are the benefits of Menopause Awareness training?
With nearly 4 million working women in the UK aged between 45 -55, it’s highly likely that your organisation includes individuals currently experiencing the menopause transition. Failure to provide a menopause-supportive and inclusive working environment could result in your business losing the knowledge and experience of these employees, and finding it harder to attract new talent. Even if these employees do choose to stay, a lack of awareness in the organisation of the challenges of this life-stage for women could result in reduced productivity, increased absence and decreased morale. Engaging employees of all levels in menopause awareness training demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to supporting menopausal employees in the workplace, and your reputation as a modern, inclusive employer. Each year 900,000 women leave work because they feel unsupported whilst experiencing the menopause. This training will ensure a culture of understanding and recognition and lead to decreased staff turnover and absenteeism.
0.4How do you deliver the Introduction to Menopause Awareness course?
This course is specifically designed to be delivered via our virtual theatre of learning but can also be delivered face to face. We also have a full digital online course which can be completed at the learners own pace and can be accessed via our ted Learning HuB or provided to clients to host on their own LMS.
ted Learning the new normal

Introduction to Menopause Awareness Training

Our Introduction to Menopause Awareness course is delivered using actors and face to face engagement using our online “Theatre of Learning”  We can deliver this virtually, face to face or online with our digital version of the course.
Learn more
ted Online Theatre of Learning - powered by ted Digital
ted learning
Theatre Based Learning

video showcase.

Discussing and learning in the traditional ‘class-room’ is effective, but long-term memory is better stimulated by having an experience. Our approach using experiential and drama-based learning methods delivers this and leads to more sustained learning.

Download our Guide to Introduction to Menopause Awareness.

Learn more about this virtual classroom course

    theatre of learning

    sustained blended learning.

    Our training is observational and participative, using teams of actors to bring it to life. We recognise that taking part in role-play is not for everyone, so we offer observational training – this is where two of our acting team demonstrate scenes related to the course and delegates observe and comment on the behaviors. Where a business is more confident working with actors, we take this to the next level with participative training so delegates get to practice their newly learnt skills.

    ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
    ted Learning - blended courses
    ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
    ted Learning - blended courses
    theatre of learning

    sustain and maintain learning.

    All our learners have full access to our ted Learning HuB – our bespoke platform that enables all learners to continue the engagement with the trainer and actors, see latest case-studies and blogs from the ted learning team and engage with other learners, discussing their own challenges and successes.
    Desktop, mobile, or tablet – the ted Learning HuB engages learners with training accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device.

    theatre based learning courses.

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    Meet our team of trainers and facilitators.

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