ted Learning | theatre based learning

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rebuilding team dynamics.

As we gradually ease Covid19 restrictions, this course is designed to help Leaders & Managers rebuild team dynamics.

Download your free guide


We are living through an unprecedented pandemic that has disrupted all of our lives.

No manager has experience in dealing with anything quite like it and yet the role of a Manager in supporting, engaging and motivating teams has never been more important.  Our ‘Rebuilding Team Dynamics’ course delivered via our virtual classroom in four bite-sized sessions will give managers easy to understand advice and equip them with the tools to build happy, productive teams – even in the most challenging conditions.


why come on the course?

  • Are you concerned about the impact Covid19 has had on your team?
  • Has the team dynamic been affected by the lockdown?
  • Is the team split now across locations, some on furlough, and some in the office and needs clear direction?
  • Do you want to know what you can do to rebuild the team?
  • If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then this course is definitely for you.

What is it?

An interactive virtual classroom workshop delivered by our expert management trainer.

We’ll look at  theory around team dynamics and in detail at what contributes to poor dynamics that impact the success of the team, exploring practical tools and solutions to move forwards.


What will I do on the day?

Through practical group and individual activities, discussion and observation of team dynamics in action within our virtual theatre, this workshop will give you a variety of tools and techniques that enable you to recognise where issues lie and support you to create a practical action plan to overcome these challenges and improve the dynamics of your team

rebuilding team dynamics

embedding the learning.

This course is delivered using a blend of discussion, practical advice and theatre-based learning  Our actors help demonstrate how different team members might be feeling so managers have a first hand understanding and can come up with strategies to manage this.

This course is currently delivered via our Online Theatre of Learning and regular activities and discussions will be used to ensure there are take-away actions that can be immediately implemented.

rebuilding team dynamics

Learning Outcomes.

By the end of this Rebuilding Team Dynamics course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify what great team dynamic looks like, and it why it’s important.
  • Recognise the blockers and challenges that can contribute to poor team dynamics
  • Explain what really motivates and engages people at work
  • Create a meaningful, realistic action plan to improve the dynamics of the team

Some faq's about Rebuilding Team Dynamics Training.

0.1 What is Theatre based learning?

Theatre Based Learning is the technique we use to bring learning to life by using our actors to perform scenarios, based on real case studies.

Theatre Based Learning can be either observational (where learners watch scenes and discuss) OR participative (where we use techniques like real-play and practice, forum where learners interact with the actors and direct them or hot-seating where learners give feedback to individual characters and make suggestions). This course uses our actors to both demonstrate presentation skills and often made mistakes and techniques with the ability for all learners to present and receive feedback

0.2What are the benefits of Rebuilding Team Dynamics training?
Covid19 has presented challenges that no manager could have been prepared for. Teams were dispersed overnight, some placed on furlough, some having salaries reduced, some working from home for the first time ever, and some still going into the office, but part of a small, socially distant team. Teams that worked well by being together have been challenged and adapted to different ways of working through necessity. This course is designed to support managers in how they manage the team dynamics and re-build it albeit in a very different environment. It will help Managers understand how the team is feeling and what action is required.
0.3Why is rebuilding team dynamics training important?
This course is so important to enable employers and employees to get back to a similar level of productivity pre-lockdown and work as one team regardless of the situation or circumstances. Business might not be able to return all team members from furlough or at all and this will impact the way the team works and adapts. Prepared and trained managers will be able to ensure the team move to the performing stage quickly.
ted Learning the new normal

rebuilding team dynamics

Our rebuilding team dynamics course can be delivered using live actors and face to face training using our online “Theatre of Learning”
Learn more
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Theatre Based Learning

video showcase.

Discussing and learning in the traditional ‘class-room’ is effective, but long-term memory is better stimulated by having an experience. Our approach using experiential and drama-based learning methods delivers this and leads to more sustained learning.

Download our Guide to Rebuilding Team Dynamics .

Learn more about this course and how it can support you to re-engage your teams post Covid19

    theatre of learning

    sustained blended learning.

    Our training is observational and participative, using teams of actors to bring it to life. We recognise that taking part in role-play is not for everyone, so we offer observational training – this is where two of our acting team demonstrate scenes related to the course and delegates observe and comment on the behaviors. Where a business is more confident working with actors, we take this to the next level with participative training so delegates get to practice their newly learnt skills.

    theatre of learning

    sustain and maintain learning.

    All our learners have full access to our ted Learning HuB – our bespoke platform that enables all learners to continue the engagement with the trainer and actors, see latest case-studies and blogs from the ted learning team and engage with other learners, discussing their own challenges and successes.
    Desktop, mobile, or tablet – the ted Learning HuB engages learners with training accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device.

    theatre based learning courses.

    Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

    Meet our team of trainers and facilitators.

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