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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

guys have it pretty easy, right?

Us guys have it pretty easy, right? Whether through divine intervention or a fluke of biology, compared to our female counterparts, we got the rub of the green. No periods, no pregnancy, no menopause. Us guys have it pretty easy… Or do we? Perhaps in the ways mentioned above we do. ...

Blue Monday

The term Blue Monday was coined by psychologist Cliff Arnall in 2004 and I find it a little troubling. Falling on the third Monday in January every year it supposes that a perfect storm of post-Christmas comedown, credit card bills, forced sobriety (or not) bad weather and general malaise, cause the nation ...

Looking after your Mental Health

For a large number of us, working from home (perhaps once a pipe-dream) has been a reality for some time now. We’ve got our heads around the video calls, we’ve sorted our new uniform of comfy trousers and Smart Work Top, we’ve worked out how to juggle home-schooling and virtual ...

Anxious Conversation – In the New Normal

With lockdown restrictions easing and the country tentatively feeling its way through the early stages of our new normal, the prospect of returning to the workplace is raising anxiety levels for many of us. As businesses invite their people back into the workplace, managers are likely to be dealing with emotional ...

Feelings, Thoughts and Actions

On a recent holiday I had a negative customer service experience. The inconsistent customer care of the companies with whom I was interacting got me thinking about the different things that lead us to act or not act; specifically, thoughts versus feelings. This distinction is highlighted in psychometric personality tests, which ...

“A Cold Shower Every Morning, You’re Crazy!!”

Last year, quite spontaneously, I embarked on 100 consecutive days of wild swimming after reading an inspiring article about Beth Francis and her battle with a debilitating migraine. Like many others who struggle with their mental health, I occasionally experience periods of uncharacteristic dark moods, or as Winston Churchill called it, ...