ted Learning | theatre based learning

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Martin Austin


Job Role

Martin has worked extensively in the theatre and also for 10 years as an actor/facilitator, being a firm believer that injecting comedy into a session aids learning by at least 23.5%.

He has supported ted Learning many times at conferences and really engages with the delegates. He has also been part of the delivery team for several of our management courses.


Martin loves all things Ethiopian and has visited Addis Abbaba over 100 times. He also adopts micro palomino horses in his spare time. You can’t get him off the mic at any karaoke night, so get your requests in early or sit by and watch!


TBL Workshops Completed


Happy Learners


Positive Reviews


  • 1998-2000Bridge Theatre Training Company
    Performing Arts


  • 2014 - Dateted Learning
    Associate Trainer and Actor
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