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Naomi Wattis


Job Role

Naomi is one of our fantastic actors and supports a number of our courses. She has supported several of our Management and Team Leadership programmes, enabling learners on these courses to meet the same character in relation to different subject matters, reflecting the real-life journey of an employee.


Often mistaken for Hollywood film actress Naomi Watts, She is a performer, writer, role player and former face of iconic meat substitute, Quorn. She has many years experience working for organisations large and small creating change through experiential learning. And she wasn’t in the remake of King Kong.  She has appeared in numerous TV Dramas as well as appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival though!


TBL Workshops Completed


Happy Learners


Positive Reviews

Naomi Wattis



  • Jan 2018 - Dateted Learning
    Associate Actor
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